August: Structure and Media

During August I took a sktchy art school online course on creating a foundational drawing of the head using the Loomis method. I’ve been able to integrate key principles of this approach to more quickly arrive at an accurate rendering of the face and head.

During this time I also found that I love mechanical pencils. They never need sharpening, they are available in a wide range of widths and hardnesses, and even a good one is pretty inexpensive and feel much better in the hand than other pencils.

This is one of the drawings done late in August that I’m very pleased with.


July: Portrait of kori

My daily practice of drawing faces continues: in over three months, I have skipped two days. While still doing graphite and ink, it’s charcoal that most often yields what I realize I want:

A structurally correct head with a face that expressed the subject’s spirit. This means that besides digging more deeply into the structure and the techniques of charcoal I am being more selective in the models that I choose (mostly from the sktchy app). If I don’t have an emotional response there’s no reason to draw.

This is Kori. Done in charcoal on gray toned paper.
